Welcome to the darkside

Why can't i have a pet unicorn that will let me braid its mane and then ride into the sunset on a grass field? 

This is one of the first paintings i did when i got back into art. Might redo it with light washed out pastel colours orrrrrr do a whole collection with different patterns and colours. I say this now when it's a mere idea but then end up not doing anything because i can't be bothered or  have no money to buy more supplies. Hopefully this won't be the case.......


Welcome To The Darkside

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2 thoughts on “Welcome to the darkside”

  1. Oh man I remember this! You have such a wicked talent with watercolours, I've developed such an opaque, thick gouache palette so I cant work with such :c But that mane, so much dedication. KEEP THEM COMING!!

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