Finally i have found something i can make a collection of. These three sided shapes called triangles that i have probably drawn a few thousand times in the last day or so. This collection will be made up of a few of my favourite things......*queue music*. When the dog! When the bee stings! When i'm feeling sad.......I simply remember my favourite things and then i don't feel soooooo bad.

So far i've done a skull, MJ and a toy story piece. This will probably be a never-ending collection by the looks of it. 


You've Got A Friend In Me


Twitter is the most addictive thing ever. Even though i've just checked my timeline on my phone after i lock my phone i will go back and unlock it to check if there are any new tweets on my timeline in that 5 second time frame that past. Thanks to twitter and good friend Bambi, i was updated about her latest artwork and the use of pixels. This got me into pixels which resulted in the piece below. I was so excited to start it but after the fifth line that had to be ruled out i was getting bored already and the lines were to be erased after i was done. Anyways here's the latest piece i've done.

(If you concentrate on the space where the corners meet, you will be mind-blown)

Welcome to the darkside

Why can't i have a pet unicorn that will let me braid its mane and then ride into the sunset on a grass field? 

This is one of the first paintings i did when i got back into art. Might redo it with light washed out pastel colours orrrrrr do a whole collection with different patterns and colours. I say this now when it's a mere idea but then end up not doing anything because i can't be bothered or  have no money to buy more supplies. Hopefully this won't be the case.......


Welcome To The Darkside